And finally, adopt the habit of constant Law of Attraction Review and never ending improvement. You need to keep growing if you want to be extraordinary in your field. What you can do is to commit to read at least 2 books in a month. Read and learn directly from other successful people in your industry. Learning can actually shortcut your journey to success because you are leveraging on the experience of other people. Thus, make sure you adopt this habit and make good use of it.
Have you ever invested twenty thousand dollars in a project and made back fourteen thousand net over time, all the while tossing up and flipping it all how in your head as to what good came out of it and blaming every possible variable on everything and everyone else but yourself for the financial losses incurred Well I have, and the reality check for me was that losing six thousand dollars in a business venture is not exactly a win-win situation no matter how you flip it - it's a flat out failure.
No matter how prepared one is for the competitive, fluid, changing world, no matter how well one crosses the 't's' and dots the 'i's', failure is inevitable as one journeys through life. Failure is not easily defined because of the diverse belief systems and observers involved but I can safely state that Failure is an ongoing process of falling down and getting up and it is the greatest stepping stone to eventual greatness. In fact, the greater one fails, the greater one becomes, once one admits to failure, learns many lessons from the experience and thus the art of perceiving, planning and anticipating outcomes better is mastered. Therefore it is my recommendation to everyone to be enamored by failure and embrace it.
The art of blundering, errors in judgements, making a bad call, free-falling and spiraling downwards, missing the core issues/messages/lessons from a mistake, collectively equals failure. How one reacts to failure and how one reacts to the failure of others, do not count on them to react in a calm, accepting manner, they will only serve to hinder your growth encourages change and progress, shifts from the norms, and over time facilitates evolution. Failure is perhaps the most valued asset you will encounter in life. Yes, failure is a positive attribute, state and condition that takes us all to our eventual goals...success. Failure requires innovation, perseverance, zest, courage, and reflection. So flip it all how, failure is fruitful and provides us all with opportunities to gain wisdom, analyze difficulties and failure ultimately defines us and launches us forwards with stronger characters. As the famous inventor, Thomas Edison, so rightfully put it,
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