Monday, April 1, 2019

Nine Health Benefits of a Well Balanced Diet

However, I also do not support taking Renew Magnesium Spray Review  "multivitamin" supplements where minerals and vitamins are combined into one tablet. There are nutrients that should not be taken together in supplement form because they affect each other's absorption, for example iron and manganese, selenium and zinc, iron and zinc, selenium and vitamin C to name just a few. Therefore I also do not recommend supplementation with "multivitamins".

My recommendation is to supplement with foods, especially "superfoods", which are foods rich in nutrients and enzymes that promote health. This is all I recommend for people eating a varied diet. Some vegans may need B12 but if they consistently consume the specific superfoods which I will recommend in a moment, even they will not require supplementation with B12 on a regular basis.During times when the body has increased needs, for example during pregnancy, lactation period, menstruation or during an infection, we can add certain nutrients for support, but on a regular basis supplementing with superfoods is enough to promote ongoing health.

A Cyanobacteria a plant like organism found in fresh lakes and salt water, also known as a type of BlueGreen algae with a very rich protein and nutrient content. Spirulina was also an ancient food source for the Aztecs. It is still controversial if the B12 content of Spirulina may be utilised by humans, although through my personal experience it is a biologically active source for humans. I take Spirulina on an almost daily basis and so do all of my children. However, there are some contradictions for consuming Spirulina, it should not be consumed by people with PKU because it contains phenylalanine, and also should be avoided by people on anticoagulant medication because of its rich vitamin K content.

Spirulina is an amazing superfood also taken by astronauts during longterm space travel, and it has been well researched for its benefits with malnourished children, as well as people suffering from allergies, as a supplement for the elderly and for improving hypertension.Chia seeds come from a flowering plant of the mint family. The seeds are extremely rich in omega 3 fatty acids and have the perfect balance between omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids. Chia seeds also have high protein levels and contain a high amount of dietary fiber levels. Chia seeds also have an incredible amount of calcium, like flax and sesame seeds. To extract the maximum from this superfood, I recommend milling it and adding it to your foods, it has no flavour and can be added easily to any dish. This superfood need not be taken as a supplement and can and should be consumed as a food.

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